hello everybody,
here are 25 facts about me!!
1.My name is meerle
2.I love my crazy dog named Banjer
3.i have a dog
4.i love my followers
5.i have 2 blogs
6.this gonna be hard
7.i am not a fan from something or somebody
8.i am in love
9.i like my blog but i never have ideas
10.my freind is floor fonteijn from
stylettos fashion
11. i like drawing
12.i have a rabbit
13.my favourite food is pancakes
14.my rabbit named bello
15.i attend de goudse waarden in gouda at the netherlands
16.i attend havo
17.i am a girl
18.i like chocolat
19.my room is never clean
20.i have a lot of tests
21. al my postes are translationed by google translation but not this one (yes i can english)
22. i have a samsung galaxy s advance
23.i cant live without my phone
24.i like ice cream to in the winter
25.my birthday is at 24th in December
i hope you liked this from now on i gonna poste every month one thing (i hope)